Saturday, October 25, 2008

Mrs. Aguirre



the Classroom of

Laurie aguirre


Who is Laurie Aguirre?

As a teacher, I have extensive training in literacy, (including a Reading Endorsement) mathematics and science and have recently earned my Masters Degree in Curriculum, Assessment and Instruction. I have been teaching for over twenty years and my passion for it continues to grow each year. My experience in many different schools in several different districts under a diverse range of administrations from Southern to Northern Oregon, qualifies me to state that the environmental emphasis and character development we promote at Forest Ridge/O.L.E. far exceeds the goals/programs of any school/district that I have so far encountered.

Outside of teaching I am mainly a “mom”! I live in West Salem and have two children, Gabe, attending U. of O. and AliRae at West Salem High School. We like to travel, snowboard, bike, golf, camp, wakeboard and ride horseback. I am kept very busy supporting all of my childrens’ pursuits, so you can guess that between their activities and my own involvement in several environmental organizations and volunteer activities, I am often “previously engaged” with commitments after school.

Therefore, the best time to meet with me is before school, I usually arrive between 6:30 and 6:45a.m. so you may schedule an appointment as early as 7:00 a.m. until 8:30 a.m. if this is convenient. However, I am always happy to schedule a meeting at other times if I am given enough notice.

Mission Statement

Mission Statement
Laurie Aguirre

My mission is to provide a welcoming classroom with a positive, proactive atmosphere that celebrates the whole child. My aim is to celebrate intellectual, physical, social and emotional growth. I will establish a positive relationship with each child and foster the “disposition” to learn. I will teach my students to think critically, feel deeply, and act wisely in terms of their decisions about and actions in relationship to animals, the environment and the human community. I will teach the power of virtues, character and attitude so that my students will understand that there are some things they can control and some things they cannot, but that they always have choices in their responses to situations and circumstances. I will work diligently in a celebration of spirit and performance to help my students make gains in each of the areas they need in order to be successful global citizens. Each child will experience the joy of learning and service as they are guided to become future leaders of the 21st century.

My Educational Philosophy

Children are naturally curious about the world. I use this interest to engage minds and foster the natural motivation to learn. I teach children to read and write mainly through science concepts. Youngsters learn to read in order to access information about the subject in which they are interested. Children learn to cooperate and collaborate with others as part of their pursuit of knowledge. They learn to write in order to record and communicate what they are learning. Students learn to speak in order to share information and educate others. They need authentic purpose and meaningful outcomes in their pursuit of skills and knowledge. Nature and our environment provide rich content and opportunity for genuine results from learning. I teach the mind as well as the heart. Facilitating academic growth is my second goal; I feel it is ultimately important to both “To KNOW and To DO”. Students emerge from my classroom believing they can and do make a difference in our world.


This is why you will find our classroom a very busy, engaging place.
Many people are fooled by the appearance of an orderly classroom where all children are seated quietly with books open and filling out worksheets. And although we do have “Words on Paper” time and calmer periods throughout the day, we mainly have hands on learning activities with lots of interaction, that are based on research that supports this as developmentally appropriate and the best practice for young children’s learning. Students have many opportunities to pursue their interests in learning centers and in flexible groupings.

Feel free to join us; listen and watch carefully to what is transpiring.
It is a magic place; we are making tomorrow.